Hi everybody... I just thought you should ALL be able to use HYDRA with Terminus in a MUCH easier way than the way Big Boss described some time ago.... Not that it didn't work, just that you CAN NOT QUIET SERIAL in the newer versions of Terminus without loosing carrier... I KNOW he meant well but who wanna DOWN GRADE their terminus to v1.9xx when we all use 2.0d... Ok on with it... First if you use terminus allready you allready know this, BUT... ADD THIS TO YOUR STARTUP-SEQUENCE Assign Terminus: DH0:Terminus ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Path to whereever you put your Terminus Second load the Terminus:Scripts/Hydra.scp into a editor, and read on here. Set the 'speed 57600' to the speed set in your Terminus.. Set the 'port 0' to unit number you use, IE: if you use gvpser.device unit 3 type this 'port 3'.. Set the 'device serial.device' to the device you use.. Set the 'recieve DH1:UPLOAD/' to the path where you usually download to... OK now load in terminus and make a MACRO like this: !&HYDRA.SCP This will look for the file HYDRA.SCP in your Terminus:Scripts directory.. MAKE SURE YOUR SCRIPT PATH IS SET RIGHT (MENU: SETTINGS - PATHS - SCRIPTS) I've made the MACRO allready on F10 so you can just delete this if you want it elsewhere... -=-=-=-=-=-=- Ok now on to HOW to use HYDRA in a easy way with Terminus... Use Terminus to call up a board which supports the HYDRA PROTOCOL.. Make sure you choose HYDRA as your personal protocol in your USER CONFIGURATION.... Now take a 'N S U' or whatever you use, and flag all the files you wanna download.... When you're done hit 'D' to start the download, and when you see this line: LAST CHANCE! (Enter) to Start, (G)oodbye after transfer, (A)bort? hit your MACRO with !&HYDRA.SCP , you will then be thrown out in HYDRACOM, here you will choose UPLOAD in the menu (RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON) and then a nice requester will pop up and ask you to choose the file(s) you wanna upload, hold down SHIFT for multiple files, when you have choosen the files you wanna upload, press the OK button... And then all you have to do is press return a few times to start the transfer... When the transfer is done just choose QUIT in the menu (RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON AGAIN).. And whoops your back in Terminus Typed for your pleasure by: D-SiYa / The Vikings.. Hi Big Boss, this was NOT made to say your way was wrong, just a little annoying way to do it in... Hi to: BlackHawk/Paradox: for beeing the BEST coder/cracker around, togheter with Conan&Newton you will rule (Hvis Nick GIDER, men han er HOT lige nu) :) Metal Force/Prodigy: Just for beeing there, and beeing a good friend... Yobbo and the rest of Rebels... Shark/The Vikings: for giving me blah blah... And the rest i know or have chattet with...